You are priceless. Has anyone ever told you that you lost your value? It is common in our society today, and especially in romantic relationships, to hear someone tell the other person that they have lost value in the eyes of the other person. This precedes or may occur after actions and words that are demeaning have been done and said by one person towards another.
We have become a society of tearing each other down. When something goes wrong, some people start abusing and demeaning each other as a way of proving themselves or to help them move on. It seems like the only way that some people can move on is after trying to damage the other person. The demeaning words and actions are meant to make the person feel good about themselves and feel a sense of control.
It seems like most people thrive on mistreating, abusing, demeaning, and tearing down other people in order to feel good about themselves. It seems like the more they demean the other person, the more their ego and pride is puffed up.
Our society is full of people who want to feel in control, and they will do and say anything to maintain their illusion of feeling in control.
It seems like people determine the worth and value of the other person based on the other person’s words and actions, others determine the worth and value of others based on money, power, and wealth. People, in their limited minds, tend to try and make sense of everything. There are so many ‘know-it-alls’ in our society, who call themselves ‘smart’ and many other fancy names, some even seem to think that they are ‘smarter’ than God.
There are pride-filled people in this world who are deceived in their minds and think that they are the ones who can determine the value of another person. Some think that just because they are of a certain gender or race or ethnicity or societal class, they can exercise control over other people. Some people feel entitled because of maybe their position in society and start abusing their authority.
There are people who exercise the authority given to them in ungodly ways, and some even impose on themselves ungodly authority and try to exercise authority that they do not have. Some people think that they can tell such and such a person that they have lost their value. When did a human being become a commodity that can appreciate or depreciate in value? Remember, you are priceless.
We are not commodities. Our mistakes and our past do not make us less of a human being than other people. We are priceless, we were bought at a price. You are priceless. God so loved us even when we were still sinners that He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross on our behalf.
Jesus the Son of God was born man, lived a sinless life, and even though sinless, He accepted to die on the cross to pay the price for our sins. In God the Father, through Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we are accepted and beloved. We are the children of God, adopted into sonship through Jesus Christ. We cannot lose value. We are priceless.
Our value and worth is only found and firmly rooted in God.
Our past mistakes do not make us less valuable, our past sins and struggles do not make us any less valuable, other people’s demeaning and degrading words and actions directed towards us do not make us any less valuable, our financial status does not make us any less valuable, our family background does not make us any less valuable, our circumstances do not make us any less valuable. Never allow anyone to tell you that you are not of value. You are priceless.
Know who you are in God, and when you do, you will know the truth that you are priceless, and the truth of God’s Word shall make you free.
Do not allow people to make you feel lesser-than, do not allow people to sow seeds of low esteem and doubt in your heart, do not allow other people to define who you are. You are who God says you are. God is our Creator and only in Him do we find out who we are, where we came from, why we are here in this world, and where we are going. It is all about God. Other people are just travelers and passers-by in this world, just like we are. Do not allow created beings to define what only the Creator can define.
God loves us. We are His children. Let us go to Him and give our burdens to Him and we will find rest for our souls. In God, we find value, worth, identity, security, and most important of all, eternal life through Christ Jesus. God is our Source, and if we need anything, we are to go to Him first and He shall direct our paths.
Our value and worth does not come from other people, it only comes from God.
We have been saved by grace through faith through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We have God’s power working in us, the Holy Spirit of God dwells within us. If we need to be taught about anything in this life let us ask the Holy Spirit to teach us, if we need to know our value let us ask the Holy Spirit to reveal it to us. The Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirits that we are indeed the children of God.
For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but you have received the Spirit of adoption, by which we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with Him, so that we may be also glorified together. Romans 8:15-17.
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