Today is all we ever have, tomorrow is never promised. When we consider that yesterday’s tomorrow becomes ‘today’ then we come to understand that only today and ‘now’ is promised. We do not know what will happen the next minute, and we do not know what will happen tomorrow.
That is why the Bible tells us to learn to number our days, so that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
We are also advised not to worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring with it enough challenges of its own that we will go through once we reach there. The best we can do is make use of today to the best of our ability; make today count.
Therefore then, live each day as if it was your last, for it might actually end up being your last.
Anything can happen, the possibilities are endless. But we thank God for His protection. He has promised us life, and life in its fullness. A day with God in which we put Him first overtakes years spent pleasing people and immersing in worldly pleasures. God is the One who makes life have meaning. Without Him nothing makes sense.
Without God, anything we do is in vain. Without God wealth is meaningless, degrees are meaningless, careers are meaningless, our ‘good life’ is meaningless, and our good deeds are meaningless. Our deeds and attempts to be good will never guarantee us a space in heaven.

Jesus Christ is indeed the way. No one goes to the Father except through Jesus. Salvation is a free gift, anyone can accept it regardless of their past. Our choices in life are what will determine where we will end up after life on this earth. Following Jesus is a choice. It involves turning away from sin and accepting Him as Lord and Savior and then walking in the narrow path. It means there are things we should do or say, not because we cannot, it is because we choose not to, because we love God.
Following Christ means a change of values, it involves walking in Spirit, it involves dying completely to the flesh. The flesh must die. Our minds are put into subjection to the Word of God. Any deceptive thoughts, we take captive and make our minds obey Christ.
God loves us and He has promised we will not go through anything beyond our capacity to handle. In every circumstance, when we trust God, He will empower us to overcome; His grace is sufficient for us. In the storm, God is there; that He has promised. God is not man that He should lie; God is God and He never goes back on His Word. If He promised, then it will come to pass. We walk by faith and not by sight.
We are to rest in God’s Word. God is the only constant we have, that is why we can trust Him. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the assurance of things not seen. One thing is certain, those who believe in God and follow Christ have the assurance of eternal life. This world is not our home. That is why we should always hold things of this world loose and cling to Jesus.
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