Most people are always worrying. We worry about food, clothing, shelter, and education. We worry about our future, where we live, about friendships, relationships, and family. We always want to be in a secure place, and we want a secure future. When we live a life of worry, we lose joy and become unhappy people. Our inner worry oozes out into our everyday life. It affects the way we interact with others, and may even end up affecting our health.
Worry is sickening. It is unhealthy. It shows how much we do not trust in God. We start doing things by our own strength. We start making our own plans; we plan our now, we plan our future. We might fall into an always planning mode if we do not watch out. Worry means we have ourselves on the throne. It can be a sign of pride, arrogance, and rebellion; at attempt to prove self-sufficiency. It may result from deep seated issues. It means we are trying to have our way, that we are doing all we can by our own strength to achieve what we want in life.
The Bible tells us to depend on God.
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalms 46:1.
Lack of worry does not mean that we do not care. It means we care but we will not allow worry to consume us. We will not allow worry to take up all our strength. Instead, we are clear on how we are to live and seek God’s will about it. We make sure in everything we do, God is at the center. Involving God removes the worry because we know that God has our best interest at heart. Instead of using a lot of energy worrying, we take it to God. We take the steps He is directing us into.
God loves us beyond our human comprehension. He did not bring us into the earth to suffer. We cause the suffering by ourselves most of the time, and it is also part of our experience as we live in this fallen world. When we forget our Source and go about doing anything and everything, we end up hurting ourselves and others. When we kick into self-sufficiency and self-centered mode, we cause a lot of harm. That is why there is a lot of crime – stealing, lying, killing, and destroying each other, in an effort to make a better future for oneself.
At the heart of worry there is selfishness – we want what we want. Some go for what they want no matter the cost. When we do that, we end up losing ourselves. We compromise on who God desires us to be and how He desires us to live. We follow the ways the society says leads to success. It becomes a man-eat-man society. We do not want others to overtake us. We do not want others in a better place. People seem to trample on others on their way up.
The society has been segregated into classes. Those at the top do not seem to know how to relate with those considered at the bottom, except maybe when they need something from them. With societal classes comes a form of superiority complex. Those who have a lot go on accumulating more. Those who feel oppressed may rise up and engage in various negative things in order to feel a sense of security – whether financial or otherwise.

We are to cast our cares on the Lord and He will sustain us. The Bible tells us He never lets the righteous fall. We do not put our hope on people, on things, or on circumstances. If we do, those things or people enslave us.
The moment we start depending on anything or anyone other than God, we start to worry.
People will start expecting us to do something for them in return. People will start mistreating us; abuse sets in all its forms. People become inhumane in certain circumstances especially when they meet no opposition or they perceive that there will be no consequences for their actions; when they think that they can get away with anything, especially when an opportunity presents itself. It is sad to see the negative things people are capable of doing.
Where did the fear of God go? Do we not fear God anymore? Have we deceived ourselves into thinking that we are self-sustaining? Are the worldly pleasures too appealing and are they worth it? We worry too much. As a result our bodies have become sick. Our minds are not sober. Our spirit is down. The Bible tells us an anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.
Worry makes us obsess on what could go wrong; it makes us obsess on the negative.
We forget that what we fear, we attract. What we worry about, we give power to. We do a disservice to ourselves. Worry can plant bitterness in us, and it can make us start comparing ourselves with others. We start thinking others are better off. We become discontent in our hearts, envy grows, and we start asking why questions. Why us?
We are all unique in our own way. Our lives take different trajectories. We cannot live someone else’s life. We cannot experience someone else’s experiences. Yes, we can lighten each other’s burdens, and we are to do everything with love. We show care, compassion, empathy, and we help out the best way we can. Our uniqueness is what makes us ‘us’. Yes, we strive for better, we strive to grow, we want better jobs, better relationships, a better country, and a better world. But, let us not forget, worry solves nothing.
And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? Luke 12:25.
The antidote for worry is faith; trusting in God. We cannot worry and trust God at the same time.
God knows us, He knows our needs even before we ask. He sees our hearts. He will grant us our hearts’ desires when they are aligned with His will. The Bible tells us not to be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, we let our requests known to God. We are safe in God’s hands. We take everything to Him and then let it be. It does not mean we sit back and do nothing, it means we follow God’s lead.
God fills us with peace. God does not cause confusion. The peace of God guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. If something is not peaceful, most likely it is not from God. When we are afraid, we trust in God; He fights our battles. We just have to be still and we will know that He is God. Anything that contradicts His Word is not from Him.
In life we will face many trials and temptations. However, when we know the truth and stand by it, we will emerge victorious. The truth of God’s Word becomes our guide. We know He is always with us and will never leave us nor forsake us.
Even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalms 23:4
When worry attacks us, we pray and commit everything to God; His peace fills our hearts.
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