Love keeps no record of wrongs, it does not keep into account a wrong suffered, it is not resentful, it thinks no evil. Love does not entertain evil thoughts, it does not keep track of wrongs. Sometimes our minds can drift into overdrive, we start overthinking. In our minds, we make up what the other person is thinking, or what they meant by their words and actions, or what their intentions were. We tend to try and make sense of the other person; whether they say something, or do something, or they are quiet, or do not do something; somehow we usually have an internal dialogue.
We try to make sense of everything, and in so doing, we invent up stories and conclusions in our minds about other people.
Our minds also tend to keep reminding us of what people have said against us in the past, or what people have done to us in the past, or how people have treated us. It seems like our minds can bring up anything that has happened in our lives and in other people’s lives; and if we are not careful, we will start using people’s pasts against them and remind them of everything they have ever said or done.
Our minds are powerful and can make up anything, even things that do not exist. Because of the need for self-preservation in human beings, most people tend to assume the worst of the other person, it seems like a safe place for most people, it is a way of protecting themselves. Most people have walls around them that no one can get past through; people are in self-preservation mode. When you approach them, they will remind you of everything you have ever said or done as a way of bringing you down and to preserve themselves and protect themselves, and maybe preserve their ego.
Love keeps no record of wrongs. When we bring up past wrongs against the other person, we are condemning them and overwhelming them with shame and guilt. Most people tend to tear the other person down in order to feel good about themselves and as a way of feeling like they are in control. Yet, love does not impute evil. When we think evil about other people, or we are resentful, or we keep bringing up wrongs suffered; that is a prove that we do not love them.
When a person is acting like your prosecutor, and tearing you down with their words and actions; that is enough prove that that person does not love you.
The enemy is the accuser of the brethren, it is the work of the enemy to accuse people day and night before God. That means that when we keep records of wrongs and think evil thoughts, we are cooperating with the devil, yet we forget the devil is our enemy. The devil uses people to accomplish his evil plans and then destroys the same people whom he was using. When we claim that we love someone yet we keep an account of wrongs suffered, then that makes us liars. We forget that love keeps no record of wrongs.
That does not mean that we put ourselves in harm’s way, it means that if someone is not meant to be in our lives, we let them go with love, and establish firm boundaries, and guard ourselves. Love covers, it does not go exposing someone to other people, love does not go about gossiping about what someone did or said to us; love covers a multitude of sins.
When we love someone, everything we do and say should be aimed at achieving the very best, and should be done and said with a clean heart and with good intentions.
We are to come into agreement with God, and that means doing what God says. It means obeying the voice of God and obeying His commandments; it means making God’s will our will. We conquer the enemy by the blood of the Lamb of God and by the word of our testimony. When we spend time with God, studying and meditating on His Word, time in prayer and fasting – then we feed our souls with the things of God, and with time our mindset shifts, we acquire the mind of Christ.
We are to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Jesus Christ. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we are able to capture our rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ. When we have the mind of Christ, we are concerned about the things of God and not the temporary carnal things of this world.
With time, the fruit of the Spirit starts maturing in us, and we start thinking good thoughts instead of evil thoughts, we start loving people with the love of God. We build up those people around us and do not tear them down, we forgive offenses and do not use wrongs against people or even against ourselves. We forgive and forget. There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think of these things. Philippians 4:8.
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