Take the yoke of Jesus and learn from Him. Most people carry heavy burdens. We walk most of our lives with burdens on our backs, with our lives weighed down by things of this world, weighed down by other people’s expectations of us, weighed down by what people say or do not say about us, weighed down by what people do to us or do not do, weighed down by the societal pressures and expectations, weighed down by the expectations we have over ourselves, weighed down by how things have turned out, weighed down by how we thought life should have been or how life is, weighed down by what is happening in the world around us; we live lives full of burden.
Because of the burdens we carry, we lack joy, we lack peace, people envy each other, people mistreat each other, people try to bring each other down. There are those who are burdened by unforgiveness, burdened by sin and seem to be slaves to sin, there are those burdened by law and desires for a perfect external image. Most people carry unnecessary burdens!
We are not meant to live our lives as slaves to anything or anyone, we are not to live our lives seeking to please people, we are not to live our lives seeking acceptance, validation, and praise from people, we are not to walk in this life full of offense – being offended by anything or anyone, we are not to walk this life carrying within us what people have done to us or said about us, we are not to walk this life always wishing that we did not do or did not say something; we are not to live our lives burdened.
We should seek to know the truth and that truth will set us free. In Christ we are free. Jesus carried it all for us and if we do not realize that truth, we will carry burdens and be weighed down instead of giving our burden to Jesus.
Jesus loves us and invites us to go to Him and He will give us rest.
“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29.
We are to exchange our burdens with Jesus’ yoke, He is gentle and humble and in Him we find rest for our souls. We take all our worries, all our pain and hurts, all our disappointments, all our desires; we take everything to Jesus and surrender. We release all to Him, everything that is holding us back we take to Jesus; and when we do, we become free.
Anything that was a stronghold in our lives loses its grip on us, the Holy Spirit is a consuming fire and He breaks all chains and sets us free. We surrender our lives to Jesus, we release all the pain, all the hurt, all the expectations, and all our plans to Jesus. We tell Him to take over and allow His will to be done in our lives. We take the yoke of Jesus.
“For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:30.
God desires to set us free and give rest to our souls. May we loosen the grip we have over ourselves, over other people, and over things of this world and surrender to God. Hold things of this world loose.
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