We all get hurt at some point in our lives. It may be intentional or unintentional hurt by another person. At times, we hurt ourselves when we put ourselves in situations that are not good for us. We get hurt when we have expectations and those expectations are not fulfilled or met. We get hurt when we give with the expectation of receiving back and then that fails to happen.
We get hurt when we continue to pursue something or someone that is not good for us; when we keep entertaining people in our lives who are after us to get us and bring us down; when we allow other people to abuse us without us putting a stop to it and putting up boundaries. We experience hurt when we allow other people to impose their wrong or negative expectations on us, when we allow bad behavior from others, when we allow others to do wrong over and over again without consequences.
Others can hurt us when they do or say something that offends us. Some offenses are usually unintentional; it is usually due to how we interpret things. A person can say something or do something out of a pure heart but we interpret it the wrong way. We may misinterpret their words, their way of passing across a message, or their body language.
At times we misinterpret others based on our view about them. We can automatically assume someone is not honest, or they are out there to harm us, or they are after something. At times, people do things out of ignorance; when someone does not know better, they can become agents of hurting others, yet they may not even realize it.
At other times people are reckless, like a person driving under the influence and then causing an accident. They end up hurting both themselves and other innocent people. There are reckless, arrogant, selfish actions and words that hurt deeply. When people just do or say things without a thought, or to protect themselves, or in an effort to ‘prove a point’ to the other person, a lot of damage is done. Trails of broken people and a lot of hurt is left behind.
When a person is led by the ego, they have themselves on the throne, led by the flesh; they become prideful and arrogant, they cannot apologize, they justify everything and blame the other person for everything. There is a difference between confidence and arrogance, selfishness, pride. Most people in an attempt at proving themselves fall into the works of the flesh. They become the loudest, they seem to know everything, they return hurt for hurt, evil for evil, and become abusive in all sorts of ways; they grow dark at heart.
Human beings are self-preserving by nature. Most times, that need for self-preservation leads to ruined lives of others. The world is cruel and we should never allow other people to accuse us wrongly; we should not allow people into our lives who are after us to hurt and ruin us. We should not put ourselves in a position to be used, misused, or abused. We are to stand up for ourselves, and fight any form of injustice. We understand there are people who will lie themselves out of anything in an attempt to self-preserve.
We do not allow people to walk into and out of our lives as they please. We pray for discernment so that we do not fall into the trap of the enemy.
When something goes wrong, people usually look for someone to blame, and usually, it is the person who appears weakest who receives the blame. People tend to point fingers towards someone who looks weak, who does not seem to know how to stand up for themselves, who seems reserved, who seems – on the outside – not affected by what was said and done, and who seems like they do not know anything.
We should always count the cost. Before we do or say anything, we should reconsider, especially if it is an important matter. Do we have to say or do it, is it necessary, how do we do or say it, how will it affect us and the other person?

Any form of loss or injustice can lead to hurt. Hurt people manifest in many ways; they may become angry, bitter, jealous, envious, they may fall into dark deep depression, or they may start plotting revenge against those who hurt them. Some people become suicidal, they lose meaning to life and become isolated; they may reach out to those who hurt them and look for apologies, they may turn to family, friends, or professionals for help. Hurt may manifest as physical symptoms; pain, instability, body weakness, unhealthy eating patterns, or lack of sleep. Sadly and regrettably, there are those who reject God.
The world seems to keep away from hurt people and talk about them or they just keep away and say nothing. Praise God for those who pray for hurt people.
In our hurt and brokenness, we tend to turn to all sorts of things to numb the pain and fill up the voids. We can turn to addictions of all sorts, and can become self-destructive and destructive to the lives of those around us. We can turn to people and turn them into idols. We start looking for answers from everything and everyone. Yet, none of that can heal us.
Only God heals. God is always with us, but, during those times, He is closest when we seek Him. During such times, we realize how much God is near, and how much He loves us.
The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. Psalms 34:18.
During such times, if we allow it, we develop a special, personal relationship with God. We find God. God is the only One who can restore us. He remains and will always be the only God to be worshiped. He heals broken hearts and lifts up our spirit.
When we are hurt, we should look to God.
He is our Creator. He is our Source. He sets on high those who are lowly, and those who mourn are lifted to safety. We do not give up on life, because the moment we do, the enemy wins. We put on the full armor of God with which we fight the enemy. God gave us life to enjoy it and to live it to the fullest, for His honor and glory. When we go through valleys, God is with us. We take up the lessons and use them to lead a better life and to bless others.
I believe i will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord; be strong, and may your heart be strong; wait on the Lord. Psalms 27:13-14.
At the cross is where we take our hurts. Through the blood of Christ, we are made whole. Christ washes away all our sins and sets us free. Then, we live a Spirit led whole life, and put the flesh into subjection to Christ.
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