Rising Above The Storms
Helping high achieving Christian women dealing with emotional brokenness to finally get the healing they need and be made whole in Christ Jesus, so they can flourish and live a fruitful God-honoring life
Rise above fear, worry, people-pleasing, rejection, low esteem, shame, guilt, hatred, anger, unforgiveness, self-pity, regret, bitterness, and other types of emotional trauma and find rest for your soul in Christ Jesus.
But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31.

Are you ready to grow and mature into the woman that God desires you to be and blossom into a Proverbs 31 kind of woman?
If so, start here with my free road-map. Learn how to forgive those people who have deeply hurt you, even if they do not apologize!
The past is not a dwelling place; learn the lessons your past has taught you then move forward.
The righteous keep moving forward, and those with clean hands become stronger and stronger. Job 17:9.
If you feel stuck in life because of your painful past experiences and you want to overcome and rise above what has been weighing you down, then you are at the right place.
With God it is possible to heal and be whole regardless of how excruciating the pain you have experienced in life is.

Meet Vicky...
Here, I will hold your hand, walk with you, encourage you, challenge you, and you will leave a changed person and live a victorious life in Christ Jesus.
Combining my life experiences, working as a Medical Doctor in a low resource setting for 10 years, and above all the knowledge and understanding of the Word of God, I have learned a lot about overcoming tough times in life, moving forward, and not allowing my experiences to define me.
In addition to my medical degree, I have a degree in Psychology. While coaching is not therapy, my training in psychology is a valuable asset in my coaching practice as it gives me a deeper insight into the underlying issues that may be keeping one stuck in life.
I can testify of the faithfulness of God because I have personally experienced it in my life. True transformation is possible by the power of the Holy Spirit. God does indeed change people inside out for the better.
I am on a mission to help Christian women experience the joy and peace that comes from living a life of full surrender to God. You will get to know who you are in God, and learn to be content regardless of your circumstances.
Rise above the storms of life and find rest for your soul in Christ Jesus.
- Broken To Healed: For the woman who has a traumatic and painful past who is ready to let go of that which has been keeping you stuck or weighing you down and finally surrender all to God so you can live a fruitful and abundant Christian life.
- Waiting Well: For the single Christian Woman who is believing in God for a husband and is committed to serving God faithfully and waiting patiently upon the Lord during your single season so you can glorify God and get His best for you in His perfect time.